Eastbourne Beach Huts and Chalets
Long Term Rental of Beach Huts and Chalets
Annual rented Beach Huts are located on the Main Resort beaches at Grand Parade, Holywell and the Sovereign beaches.
The huts located on the Main Resort and Holywell beaches are equipped with two deckchairs; these huts do not have utilities but there are free beach showers nearby.
The Sovereign huts are extra large and equipped with a kitchenette, running water, electricity (via a pre-pay meter).
All beach huts and chalets are offered for a minimum period of 12 months licence.
Waiting lists apply for the all areas. A fee of £25 is payable to join each waiting list.

Current Rents (2024)
Beach Hut Main Resort (Large) - £1,375.00
Beach Hut Main Resort (Small) - £1,000.00
Beach Hut Main Resort (Large, No decking) - £1,000.00
Beach Hut Main Resort (Small, No decking) - £650.00
Beach Hut Holywell - £1,680.00
Beach Hut Sovereign - £1,995.00
Brick Chalets - £4,500.00
Current Waiting Times (approximate)
Beach Hut Main Resort - 6 Years
Beach Hut Holywell - 8 Years
Beach Hut Sovereign - 5 Years
Brick Chalets - 7 Years
Conditions For Joining Waiting List:
You cannot be a beach hut tenant and be on a waiting list.
Once you accept a hut we will remove you from any waiting lists joined.
Only one beach hut is allowed per household.
A 14 day cooling off period where you can cancel your application; after which the fee is non-refundable.
If you do not accept any of the first three huts offered you will be removed from all waiting lists joined.