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Eastbourne Seafront Event Terms and Conditions

1. Applications

  1. Any event taking place on the seafront promenades or beaches between Holywell and boundary with Sovereign Harbour must apply for an Event Permit from Seafront Services, Eastbourne Borough Council (the Council).

  2. All Event Permit applications are to be addressed to Seafront Manager, Seafront Services, 6 Lower Parade, Grand Parade, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3AD, or submitted online.

  3. The Council reserves to itself the right to refuse any application.

  4. Event Permit applications must be received by Seafront Services at least 28 days prior to any event and must be accompanied with a £35 processing fee, which is non-refundable.


2. Refusal of permissions

  1. The Council reserves to itself the right to refuse any application without being required to give any such reason for refusal.

  2. The Council reserves the right to withdraw permission at any time, including while the event is in progress.

  3. The event organisers must immediately inform the Council if their event is cancelled. Failure to do so may jeopardise future applications.


3. Health and Safety

  1. The event organisers/applicants must carry out and submit a full risk assessments of the event and event activities.

  2. A full event plan must be submitted with the Event Permit application to include a map of the area covered by the event with steward locations, steward instructions (including emergency evacuation procedures), start and finish times of the event, number of persons attending the event and explanation of the event and event activities.


4. Indemnity and insurance

  1. The event organisers/applicants must hold third party and public liability insurance, relating to the event, of at least £2,000,000, depending on the type of event (£10,000,000 if fireworks are to be used).

  2. The event organisers must indemnify the Council against all claims, actions, demands, proceedings, costs or awards in respect of any loss, damage, injury or death to persons or property assisting the hirer.


5. Traders

  1. No commercial traders will be permitted to trade at the event without the prior written consent of the Seafront Office (A trader permit will be required and fee payable).


6. Supervision of Children

  1. Event organisers are to ensure that persons involved in the supervision of children at the event are subject to the appropriate disclosure and barring service checks.


7. Litter and cleanliness

  1. The Hirer shall keep the area surrounding the event clean and tidy and ensure that all litter is removed from the site and recycled where possible.


8. Advertisements

  1. Where the Hirer produces publicity or promotional material connected to the event, such material must be approved before release by the Authorised Council Officer.

  2. No advertising material may be issued until such time as a binding agreement has been made on payment of the hire charge.

  3. Any contravention of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 or any amendments or variation thereto may be deemed a reason for the cancellation of permission granted for the event. If there shall be any contravention of these requirements, howsoever, whosesoever and by whomsoever caused, permitted or made then the Hirer shall reimburse or refund to the Council the cost of removing any such unauthorised or illicit advertisements or advertising material.


9. Fly Posting

  1. No advertising material is to be displayed anywhere on the seafront or elsewhere in the town unless it conforms to the permitted displays authorised by the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations 1992 and specific written agreement has been given by the Council.


10. Broadcasting and Television

  1. The event organiser may not carry out or allow or permit to be carried out any photography, filming, video recording, taping, television or radio broadcasts or any other recording of any kind of the Event without the prior written consent of the Council. If such consent is given, the Council reserves the right to be a party to any negotiations and the terms and conditions of any agreements reached and to share any income and publicity derived there from.

  2. It will be the event organisers’ responsibility to acquire any written consent from participants involved in these acts. Any resulting media products are not to be used in any way to bring Eastbourne Borough Council into disrepute. No reference is to be made in any way that Eastbourne Borough Council endorses or supports the product, activity or religious or political view.


11. Collections or Lotteries

  1. Collectors and supporters of your event must not inconvenience the general public parading or using recreational facilities in any way, including requesting donations.

  2. Event groups must move silently around the Bandstand when in use.

  3. No collections are to take place in and around the Bandstand area.

  4. If you are raising funds for a particular charity, a letter of confirmation from the charity stating that you have permission to raise funds on their behalf must be submitted with the Event Permit application.


12. Barbecue Conditions

  1. An event permit is required if a barbecue is to be held and there will be more than 20 people attending.

  2. Barbecues with 20 or more attendees must use the designated barbeque beaches located at the eastern end of the seafront, near to Fort Fun car park. A map of these beaches is enclosed.

  3. At least one adult must be present at the event per 15 students or children under 18 years of age.

  4. At least one responsible adult must stay on the event site until the area is completely vacated.

  5. No barbecue may be lit within 5 metres of any timber groyne.

  6. Bonfires are not permitted.

  7. The barbecue must be lit and located between the high and low water marks only.

  8. Barbecues may only take place in the evenings after 6pm. After the event the barbecue must be thoroughly doused.

  9. Any debris must be removed from the event site, including all litter created by the event attendees. Failure to do so may result in heavy charges being made against the event organisers.


13. Use of Firework Conditions

  1. Fireworks may only be fired by a recognised and licensed pyrotechnics company or organisation.

  2. Fireworks must not be fired after 23.00 hours.

  3. Fireworks must not be lit within 2 metres of any timber groyne.

  4. Fireworks must be fired only between the low and high water marks.

  5. Fireworks may only be fired at mid and low tides.

  6. Full risk assessments must be carried out by the firing company and the event organisers and should include an appropriate exclusion zone.


14. General

  1. All events shall terminate no later than 23.00 hours.

  2. No more than 100 persons are permitted to attend any event.

  3. No vehicles are permitted onto the promenades or beaches during any event.

  4. No literature of any kind is to be distributed at any time on the seafront promenades or beaches.

  5. No amplification of sound is permitted at any event.

  6. If your event is to be held on the Western Lawns, Wish Tower Slopes or more than 100 people will be attending the event you must apply for permission from Events Dept, The Point, Carlisle Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4JR,

  7. It is the responsibility of the event organisers to ensure they have all correct licences for the event to take place.

  8. The event must comply with the seafront code of conduct and bylaws unless an exemption is specifically sought and granted.

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